Answered: What constellation is known as the ‘great bear’?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: What constellation is known as the ‘great bear’?
The options given for this quiz are listed below:
- A Sagittarius
- B Ursa Major
- C Centaurus
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: Ursa Major
Ursa Major, which means ‘larger bear’ in Latin, is a constellation in the northern sky and the third largest of all recognized constellations. Its mythology dates back to prehistory. Various civilizations have used the constellation in myths about bears and hunting. Seven of the brightest stars in Ursa Major form the grouping of the Big Dipper, perhaps the most recognizable cluster of stars in our hemisphere. Ursa Minor (lesser bear) can be found nearby. Its brightest star is Polaris (the North Star), and the tail of the bear can be seen to form the handle of the Little Dipper.