Answered: What species of bear can be found in Alaska’s Katmai National Park?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: What species of bear can be found in Alaska’s Katmai National Park?
The options given are listed below:
- A Black bears
- B Brown bears
- C Polar bears
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: Brown bears
Katmai is one of the best places in the world to view brown bears (also called grizzlies). About 2,200 brown bears inhabit the park, and Katmai’s Pacific coast harbors some of the highest densities of bears anywhere on Earth. In summer, the bears gather in places where food is abundant, fattening up on the bounty of berries and salmon. It takes some effort for humans to reach Katmai, which is accessible only by boat or floatplane. But intrepid visitors to this pristine wilderness are treated to unparalleled views of brown bears in their natural habitat.