Answered: This yellow bird is the official bird of three US states. What is it?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: This yellow bird is the official bird of three US states. What is it?
The options given for this bing quiz are listed below:
- A Yellow-bellied flycatcher
- B Yellow warbler
- C American goldfinch
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: American goldfinch
The American goldfinch is revered by citizens of Iowa, New Jersey, and Washington as the official state bird. The American goldfinch lives at the edges of forests and plains across North America in areas filled with brush and thistle plants. It can also be found in backyards and parks. The American goldfinch—which is also known as the willow goldfinch and the eastern goldfinch—is the official bird of Washington State, Iowa, and New Jersey.
Below is the list of all the Bing quizzes for today :
- Answered: This yellow bird is the official bird of three US states. What is it?
- Answered: What artist created the 17th-century painting ‘The Goldfinch’?
- Answered: What famous naturalist is associated with finches?

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