Answered: Which one of these is NOT a challenge for hikers in the Wave?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: Which one of these is NOT a challenge for hikers in the Wave?
The options given for this bing quiz are listed below:
- A Lack of trail signs
- B Heat
- C Torvosaurus
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is: Torvosaurus
No need to avoid the mighty Torvosaurus—it hasn’t been around for about 150 million years. But summer heat can be vicious in the challenging 6-mile round-trip hike—temps over 100 degrees are common. And don’t expect easy-to-follow trails. To keep the area as pristine as possible, there are no developed trails or signs.
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- Answered: Which one of these is NOT a challenge for hikers in the Wave?
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