Answered: On a Russian oligarch’s seized superyacht, feds found a bejeweled item thought to be a genuine Fabergé…
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz is: On a Russian oligarch’s seized superyacht, feds found a bejeweled item thought to be a genuine Fabergé…
The options given for this Bing home page quiz are listed below:
- A Doll
- B Egg
- C Crown
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz is: Egg
Below is the list of all the Bing quizzes for today:
- Answered: As heat records across Europe became toast, England topped what torturous temp for the first time?
- Answered: In better ecological news for Britain, what species extinct in Europe for 6,000 years was reintroduced there?
- Answered: One last one from across the pond: UK PM Boris Johnson left office with which Terminator quote?
- Answered: Back here in the US, tourists were rattled but unhurt by an explosion at which landmark?
- Answered: NASCAR announced plans for a street race near which city’s waterfront?
- Answered: A Michigan cop was chided for ‘poor judgment’ after showing up to resolve a dispute while…
- Answered: Magnus Carlsen said he won’t be defending his title as the world’s top what?
- Answered: On a Russian oligarch’s seized superyacht, feds found a bejeweled item thought to be a genuine Fabergé…
- Answered: Which company inked a deal with SpaceX to launch a line of themed toys?
- Answered: The International Union for Conservation of Nature added what species to the endangered Red List?
