Answered: Which capital’s state begins with the letter M, N or O? This or that?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: Which capital’s state begins with the letter M, N or O? This or that?
The options and the correct answers to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question are tabulated below
option A | option B | Correct Answer |
Jackson | Springfield | Jackson |
Boston | Baton Rouge | Boston |
Indianapolis | Annapolis | Annapolis |
Little Rock | Albany | Albany |
Trenton | Frankfort | Trenton |
Santa Fe | Denver | Santa Fe |
Phoenix | Lansing | Lansing |
Carson City | Boise | Carson City |
Columbus | Sacramento | Columbus |
Bismarck | Dover | Bismarck |
Below is a list of 50 US States with their Postal Abbreviations and their capitals
No/ | Name of State | State Capital | Postal Initial |
1 | Alabama | Montgomery | AL |
2 | Alaska | Juneau | AK |
3 | Arizona | Phoenix | AZ |
4 | Arkansas | Little Rock | AR |
5 | California | Sacramento | CA |
6 | Colorado | Denver | CO |
7 | Connecticut | Hartford | CT |
8 | Delaware | Dover | DE |
9 | Florida | Tallahassee | FL |
10 | Georgia | Atlanta | GA |
11 | Hawaii | Honolulu | HA |
12 | Idaho | Boise | ID |
13 | Illinois | Springfield | IL |
14 | Indiana | Indianapolis | IN |
15 | Iowa | Des Moines | IA |
16 | Kansas | Topeka | KS |
17 | Kentucky | Frankfort | KY |
18 | Louisiana | Baton Rouge | LA |
19 | Maine | Augusta | ME |
20 | Maryland | Annapolis | MD |
21 | Massachusetts | Boston | MA |
22 | Michigan | Lansing | MI |
23 | Minnesota | St. Paul | MN |
24 | Mississippi | Jackson | MS |
25 | Missouri | Jefferson City | MO |
26 | Montana | Helena | MT |
27 | Nebraska | Lincoln | NE |
28 | Nevada | Carson City | NV |
29 | New Hampshire | Concord | NH |
30 | New Jersey | Trenton | NJ |
31 | New Mexico | Santa Fe | NM |
32 | New York | Albany | NY |
33 | North Carolina | Raleigh | NC |
34 | North Dakota | Bismarck | ND |
35 | Ohio | Columbus | OH |
36 | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | OK |
37 | Oregon | Salem | OR |
38 | Pennsylvania | Harrisburg | PA |
39 | Rhode Island | Providence | RI |
40 | South Carolina | Columbia | SC |
41 | South Dakota | Pierre | SD |
42 | Tennessee | Nashville | TN |
43 | Texas | Austin | TX |
44 | Utah | Salt Lake City | UT |
45 | Vermont | Montpelier | VT |
46 | Virginia | Richmond | VA |
47 | Washington | Olympia | WA |
48 | West Virginia | Charleston | WV |
49 | Wisconsin | Madison | WI |
50 | Wyoming | Cheyenne | WY |
Please comment below if you see any other correct answers for us to learn together.
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