Answered: Which five terms are weather-related? supersonic quiz
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
- Capillary
- Celiac plexus
- Convection
- Coriolis
- Derecho
- Duodenum
- Inversion
- Polar vortex
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question are listed below:
- Convection
- Coriolis
- Derecho
- Inversion
- Polar vortex
active front |
activity |
affect |
affected |
afternoon |
age |
air |
air current |
albedo |
alert |
all |
all weather |
angle |
anticyclone |
anticyclones |
approaching |
arctic |
area |
atmosphere |
atmosphere of earth |
atmospheric |
atmospheric condition |
atmospheric phenomenon |
atmospheric pressure |
atmospheric state |
austromancy |
aweather |
bad |
bad weather |
balmy |
baroclinity |
barometric |
beach |
beach chair |
beaches |
berain |
besnow |
biome |
bitterly cold |
blizzard |
blizzicane |
block sun |
blustery |
blustery conditions |
blustery winds |
boss |
brave |
brave out |
breezes |
bring rain |
brrr |
brumous |
calculator |
calendar |
capping inversion |
cascade concrete |
caused |
change |
changing |
chaos theory |
chemical |
chill |
chilly |
chilly temperatures |
chione |
cirrocumulus |
cirrostratus |
cirrus |
clear view screen |
clement |
climate |
climate change |
climates |
climatic |
climatic conditions |
climatology |
clock |
cloth |
clothing |
cloud |
cloud bank |
cloud compute |
cloud cover |
cloud sky |
cloudage |
cloudburst |
cloudbuster |
cloudcapt |
cloudiness |
cloudish |
cloudlet |
cloudlike |
cloudling |
cloudly |
clouds |
cloudscape |
cloudwashed |
cloudy |
cloudy skies |
coast |
cold |
cold weather |
colder |
colder temperatures |
colder weather |
coming |
computer |
condense water |
condition |
conditions |
contrail |
convective inhibition |
cool |
cooler |
cooler temperatures |
corona |
course |
covid |
crosswind |
crumble |
culture |
cumulonimbus |
cumulus |
current of air |
cyclone |
damp |
date |
day |
daylight |
daytime |
decay |
defy |
dense fog |
desertification |
dew |
diaspora |
dilapidate |
direction |
dirty weather |
disaster |
disasters |
discloud |
disturbance |
dojo |
downfall |
downpour |
downpours |
drier |
driving |
drizzle |
drought |
droughtiness |
drouth |
dry |
due |
dust |
dust cloud |
dust storm |
dustcloud |
duststorm |
earth |
earth’s atmosphere |
earth’s rotation |
effect of sun angle on climate |
elements |
emergence |
emergency |
enb |
endure |
energy |
enubilous |
environment |
environmental |
environments |
erosion |
eumetsat |
event |
experienced |
experiencing |
extratropical cyclone |
extremely |
fair weather |
fall water |
famine |
fast |
february fill dike |
field |
fire |
firn |
flooding |
fog |
foggy |
food |
forecasters |
freeze rain |
freezing temperatures |
frigid |
frigid temperatures |
frontogenesis |
frost |
gales |
galosh |
geography |
geological |
glacial |
good weather |
graphics |
graupel |
great red spot |
greenhouse effect |
gusting winds |
gusts |
gusty |
gusty wind |
gusty winds |
hail |
hailstorm |
hailstorms |
hampered |
harmattan |
health |
heat |
heatwave |
heavy |
heavy rain |
heavy snowfall |
heavy snowfalls |
high |
hold |
hold up |
hot |
hot humid |
hot weather |
hour |
how |
humid |
humid weather |
humidity |
hurricane |
hydrometeor |
hydrometeorological |
ice |
ice cream |
ice crystal |
ice storm |
icy |
impact |
in winter it |
inclemency |
inclement |
inclement weather |
inclementness |
indoor |
indoors |
intercloud |
intermittent rain |
intracloud |
inversion |
jet stream |
june gloom |
jupiter |
kamikaze |
la nina |
la niña |
lack |
landscape |
lapse rate |
latitude |
lean |
light |
lighting |
lightning |
location |
long |
low |
mackerel sky |
map |
mare’s tail |
measurement |
mechanical |
meteorol |
meteorological |
meteorological event |
meteorologists |
meteorology |
microclimate |
mid-latitudes |
milankovitch cycles |
mild |
mist |
misty |
mizzle |
mizzly |
moisture |
mongols |
monsoon |
monsoons |
mood |
moonroof |
more |
morning |
mother nature |
moving |
mud |
mugginess |
national weather service |
natural |
natural disaster |
natural inanimate thing |
natural phenomenon |
nature |
navigation |
nebule |
news |
night |
nimbiferous |
nimbus |
nival |
niveous |
normal |
normally |
northeaster |
norther |
northwester |
not |
occur |
ocean |
orbit |
other |
outdoor |
overcast |
overweather |
paint |
pandemic |
pilotage |
piloting |
pitch |
plowable |
polar region |
potential |
power |
precipitant |
precipitate |
precipitately |
precipitation |
precipitation process |
predictions |
pressure |
pressure gradient |
quinzhee |
radar |
radarmeteorology |
radiational |
radio |
rain |
rain cloud |
rain water |
rainboot |
rainbow |
raincloud |
raindrift |
raindrop |
rainer |
rainfall |
rainier |
rainmaking |
rainpants |
rains |
rainscape |
rainstorm |
rainstorms |
raintight |
rainy |
relatively |
river basin |
road |
roads |
rough |
safety |
sail |
sandstorm |
sastruga |
scenery |
scientific |
sea |
sea breeze |
seas |
season |
seasonal |
seasons |
severe |
severe thunderstorm |
severe thunderstorms |
showers |
showery |
situation |
skies |
sky |
slant |
sleet |
sleety |
sleighing |
slow |
snew |
snow |
snow broth |
snow cover |
snow cream |
snow figure |
snow flurries |
snow golf |
snow in |
snowbank |
snowbase |
snowbear |
snowbell |
snowberry |
snowblade |
snowblind |
snowbound |
snowbrush |
snowcat |
snowclad |
snowcrete |
snowfall |
snowfalls |
snowfield |
snowflake |
snowfleck |
snowful |
snowgun |
snowicane |
snowing |
snowmaker |
snowman |
snowologist |
snowout |
snowpack |
snowperson |
snowplane |
snowproof |
snows |
snowscape |
snowslip |
snowstorm |
snowstorms |
snowswept |
snowy |
soaker |
soil |
solar energy |
solar system |
solar wind |
southeaster |
speed |
sports |
spring |
springtime |
squalls |
sticky wicket |
storm |
storm cloud |
stormcloud |
storminess |
storms |
stormtossed |
stormworthy |
stormy |
stormy weather |
stratosphere |
stratus |
subfreezing |
summer |
summertime |
sun |
sunlight |
sunny |
sunny skies |
sunshine |
swirling winds |
systems |
temp |
temperateness |
temperature |
temperatures |
tempest |
temps |
terrain |
thaw |
thawing |
the |
throughout |
thundercloud |
thunderhead |
thundershower |
thunderstorm |
thunderstorms |
thundery |
tides |
tilt |
time |
times |
tip |
tornado |
torrential rain |
track |
traffic |
trail |
travel |
tropical |
tropical cyclone |
tropics |
troposphere |
typhoon |
typhoons |
uncloud |
unseasonably |
unseasonably cold |
unseasonably cool |
unseasonably warm |
unseasonably warm weather |
unusually |
upwind |
usual |
usually white |
virga |
visibility |
warm |
warm weather |
warmer |
warmer temperatures |
warmer weather |
warming |
warning |
water |
water cycle |
water vapour |
waterproof |
waters |
wave |
weather |
weather condition |
weather control |
weather forecast |
weather map |
weather report |
weatherboard |
weathercock |
weatherglass |
weatherize |
weatherly |
weatherman |
weatherperson |
weatherproof |
weathertight |
weatherwise |
weatherworn |
westerlies |
wet |
wet grind |
wet weather |
wetness |
when |
wind |
windchill |
winds |
windstorm |
windward |
windy |
windy conditions |
winter |
winter storm |
winterkill |
winterproof |
winters |
wintertime |
wintery |
wintry |
wintry shower |
wintry weather |
withstand |
work |
world |
worse |
year |
zastruga |
zone |
Below is a list of all Bing quizzes for today
- Answered: Which five are types of clouds? Supersonic quiz
- Answered: Which five are types of lightning? Supersonic quiz
- Answered: Which five terms are weather-related? supersonic quiz
Today’s Microsoft Bing quiz has 30-point rewards for the three(3) questions if you select the correct answers for all the options. so make sure you use the information I provided here to your maximum benefit and pick only the correct answers on the Bing quiz for today. Rewards can be used to purchase things from selected stores such as Amazon, Walmart, etc. when claimed as gift cards.