Answered: Which five are types of candy?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: Which five are types of candy? supersonic quiz
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
- Braeburn
- Heath
- Honeycrisp
- Jazz
- Milk Duds
- Whatchamacallit
- Zagnut
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question are listed below:
- Heath
- Milk Duds
- Whatchamacallit
- Zagnut
141 List of Best Popular Candies: see the List Of types of candies below:
Abba-Zabba |
Airheads |
Almond Joy |
Andes Mint |
Aplets & Cotlets |
Atomic Fireball |
Ayds |
Baby Ruth |
Bazooka Gum |
Big Hunk |
Bit-O-Honey |
Black Cow |
Black Jack Gum |
Blow Pops |
Boston Baked Beans |
Bottle Caps |
Bridge Mix |
Bubble Tape |
Butterfinger |
Cadbury Egg |
Candy Buttons |
Candy Cigarettes |
Candy Corn |
Candy Necklace |
Candy Raisins |
Charleston Chew |
Charms |
Chick-O-Stick |
Chiclets |
Chuckles |
Cinnamon Bears |
Circus Peanuts |
Cow Tales |
Crybabies |
Dots |
Dove Chocolate |
Dum Dums Pop |
Everlasting Gobstopper |
Eye Popper |
Ferrero Rocher |
Fudge |
Fun Dip |
Good and Plenty |
Googoo Cluster |
Gum Cigars |
Gumdrops |
Gummi Bears |
Gushers |
Haribo Gummy Bears |
Heath Bar |
Hershey’s Kiss |
Hot Tamales |
Ice Breakers |
Idaho Spud |
Jawbreaker |
Jelly Babies |
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans |
Jolly Rancher |
Jujubes |
Jujyfruits |
Junior Mints |
Kit Kat |
Krackel |
Laffy Taffy |
Lemonhead |
Lifesavers |
Lollipops |
M&M’s |
Mamba |
Marathon |
Mike and Ike |
Milk Duds |
Milky Way |
Mounds |
Mr. Goodbar |
Necco Wafers |
Nerds |
Now and Later |
Oh Henry! |
Oompas |
Opera cream |
Orange Slices |
Orangehead |
Peeps |
Pez |
Pixie Stix |
Pocky |
Pop Rocks |
Quench Gum |
Quince Candy |
Raisinets |
Razzles |
Red Hots |
Red Vines |
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups |
Reese’s Pieces |
Riesen |
Ring Pop |
Rolo |
Runts |
Sixlets |
Skittles |
Slap Stix |
Slo Poke |
Smarties |
Snickers |
Sno-Caps |
Sour Patch Kids |
Spree |
Starburst |
Sugar Babies |
Sugar Daddy |
Swedish Fish |
Sweet Tarts |
Sweetarts |
Take 5 (candy) |
Tiny Tarts |
Toblerone |
Tootsie Pop |
Tootsie Roll |
Twix |
Twizzlers |
U-No Bar |
Ultra Mints |
Valomilk |
Violet Crumble |
Warheads |
Wax Bottles |
Wax Lips |
Werther’s Original |
Whatchamacallit |
Whistle Pop |
Whoppers |
Xtra Care Gum |
Xtremes |
York Peppermint Pattie |
Yorkie |
Zagnut |
Zotz |
Zours |
please comment below if have any other correct answers to these.
Below is a list of all Bing quizzes for today
- Answered: Which five are types of candy?
- Answered: Which five are inventors of candies?
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Today’s Microsoft Bing quiz has 30-point rewards for the three(3) questions if you select the correct answers for all the options. so make sure you use the information I provided here to your maximum benefit and pick only the correct answers on the Bing quiz for today. Rewards can be used to purchase things from selected stores such as Amazon, Walmart, etc. when claimed as gift cards.