Answered: In which of these countries is Spanish an official language? This or that?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: In which of these countries is Spanish an official language? This or that?
The options and the correct answers to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question are tabulated below:
Option A | Option B | Correct answer |
Portugal | Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Colombia | Colombia |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Bolivia | Bolivia |
Paraguay | Belize | Paraguay |
Trinidad and Tobago | Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Mexico | Cayman Islands | Mexico |
Costa Rica | Barbados | Costa Rica |
Marshall Islands | Guatemala | Guatemala |
Puerto Rico | Bonaire | Puerto Rico |
Peru | Christmas Island | Peru |
List Of Countries Using Spanish as an Official Language
There’s some great news if you’re taking Spanish classes to visit a country where Spanish is spoken. In total, 21 nations use Spanish as their official language. Thus, if you want to speak with locals in Spanish, you can pick whatever country you prefer, as there are so many to choose from. Check out the List Of Countries Using Spanish as an Official Language below:
Venezuela |
Uruguay |
Spain |
Puerto Rico |
Peru |
Paraguay |
Panama |
Nicaragua |
Mexico |
Honduras |
Guatemala |
Equatorial Guinea |
El Salvador |
Ecuador |
Dominican Republic |
Cuba |
Costa Rica |
Colombia |
Chile |
Bolivia |
Argentina |
please comment it below if you have any other answer that is correct for this quiz.
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