Answered: Madeleine Albright died at age 84. Before becoming secretary of state in 1997, she served as ambassador to the…

The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:  Madeleine Albright died at age 84. Before becoming secretary of state in 1997, she served as ambassador to the…

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Vatican
B: Czech Republic
C: United Nations

The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:

C: United Nations

See The Reason for That answer below:

The family of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright announced her passing on Wednesday. A graduate of Wellesley College in 1959 and PhD recipient from Columbia University in 1975, Albright went on to serve the United States in a variety of roles. Her career began with Senator Edmund Muskie and the National Security Council under the Carter administration.

She was later appointed as United States Ambassador to the United Nations by President Bill Clinton and then as Secretary of State during his second term. As Secretary of State, Albright was instrumental in advocating for the Senate’s approval of NATO expansion in former Soviet nations and the securing of nuclear non-proliferation agreements.

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Microsoft bing quiz answer, home quiz, trivial quiz answer Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz, Answered: Madeleine Albright died at age 84. Before becoming secretary of state in 1997, she served as ambassador to the…
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz