Answered: Who became the first Black woman to appear on a US quarter?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: Who became the first Black woman to appear on a US quarter?
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
A: Harriet Tubman
B: Zora Neale Hurston
C: Maya Angelou
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:
C: Maya Angelou
See The Reason for That answer below:
Monday was a special day for the United States, as the U.S. Mint announced that a new quarter featuring the late Maya Angelou went into circulation. This makes Angelou the first Black woman ever to appear on a U.S. coin, and the first in the American Women Quarters Program, which will include coins featuring several prominent women in American history.
The Maya Angelou quarter is a fitting tribute to a legendary poet and activist who inspired millions around the world. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, to a single mother, Angelou’s life was filled with a series of struggles and triumphs, which she transformed into art.
In 1969, Angelou published I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, a memoir about her childhood and coming of age. The book was a critically acclaimed success and was nominated for a National Book Award. Angelou would go on to write several more volumes of poetry and non-fiction, and her works have been translated into many languages and become bestsellers.
Angelou also had a career as an actor and director, and won three Grammy Awards for her spoken-word albums. She was also the first African-American woman to become a member of the Screen Actors Guild and was a leader in the civil rights movement.
In 2014, Angelou was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. President Barack Obama said of Angelou, “She speaks to the courage within each of us, the kind of courage that makes it possible for us to look at life’s troubles and face it head-on, without flinching.”
The Maya Angelou quarter serves as both a tribute to Angelou’s life and legacy and an important reminder that the unique contributions of all women to American history should be honored and celebrated. The United States Mint will continue to pay tribute to other influential women in American history with their American Women Quarters Program, which will continue to roll out coins through 2025.
As we celebrate Maya Angelou today, let us remember her legacy and the countless other women who have shaped our nation’s history.
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