What is the Primary Cause of Watershed Degradation? Answered

What is the Primary Cause of Watershed Degradation? Answered
What is the Primary Cause of Watershed Degradation? Answered

Answered – QUIZ And ANSWER

What is the Primary Cause of Watershed Degradation? Answered

A) Stormwater runoff
B) Natural wildlife activity
C) Meteor showers

The correct answer is Stormwater runoff.

Exploring Watershed Degradation and Its Causes

Watersheds are vital ecosystems that collect, store, and distribute water. However, they face significant threats that lead to degradation. The primary cause of this degradation is stormwater runoff.

  1. Stormwater Runoff: This occurs when precipitation flows over impervious surfaces—like roads and buildings—rather than soaking into the ground. As water rushes over these surfaces, it collects pollutants, sediments, and debris, which then enter streams and rivers. This runoff can lead to erosion, habitat destruction, and declining water quality.
  2. Natural Wildlife Activity: While wildlife can impact ecosystems, their activities generally contribute to the health of a watershed. Animals play roles in seed dispersal and soil aeration, which can enhance watershed health rather than degrade it.
  3. Meteor Showers: This option is not a relevant factor in watershed degradation. Meteor showers do not significantly influence water quality or watershed health.

In summary, the primary cause of watershed degradation is stormwater runoff, which poses serious challenges to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Addressing this issue requires effective management practices to reduce runoff impacts and protect our valuable watershed resources.

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What is the Primary Cause of Watershed Degradation? Answered