Answered: Which five Old West books are by Louis L’Amour?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: Which five Old West books are by Louis L’Amour? supersonic quiz
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
Last of the Breed |
Lonesome Dove |
Comanche Moon |
The Tall Stranger |
Shalako |
Dead Man’s Walk |
The Haunted Mesa |
Yondering |
The correct answers to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question are listed below:
- Last of the Breed
- Shalako
- The Haunted Mesa
- The Tall Stranger
- Yondering
A list of 120 books are by Louis L’Amour:
Bannon (2019) |
Bendigo Shafter (1979) |
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains (1999) |
Big Medicine (2008) |
Bowdrie (1983) |
Bowdrie Passes Through (1988) |
Bowdrie’s Law (1984) |
Brionne (1968) |
Buckskin Run (1981) |
Callaghen (1972) |
Catlow (2018) |
Chancy (1968) |
Comstock Lode (1981) |
Conagher (1969) |
Crossfire Trail (1954) |
Dark Canyon (1963) |
Dawn Riders (2010) |
Dead End Drift (1987) |
Down the Long Hills (1968) |
Dutchman’s Flat (1986) |
Fallon (1969) |
Flint (1960) |
From the Listening Hills (2003) |
Grub Line Rider (1990) |
Guns of the Timberlands (1955) |
Hanging Woman Creek (1964) |
Heller with a Gun (1955) |
High Lonesome (1962) |
Home in the Valley (2005) |
Hondo (1953) |
How the West Was Won (1962) |
Kid Rodelo (1966) |
Killoe (1962) |
Kilrone (1966) |
Kiowa Trail (1964) |
Kiowa Trail and Killoe (1979) |
Last of the Breed (1986) |
Last Stand at Papago Wells (1957) |
Law of the Desert Born (1983) |
Lone Star Law (2005) |
Long Ride Home (1989) |
Lonigan (1988) |
Man Riding West (1986) |
Matagorda (1967) |
May There Be a Road (2001) |
Mistakes Can Kill You (1997) |
Monument Rock (1998) |
Night Over the Solomons (1986) |
No Traveller Returns (2018) |
Off the Mangrove Coast (2000) |
Passin’ Through (1985) |
Radigan (1959) |
Reilly’s Luck (1970) |
Riders of the Tumbling K (2014) |
Riding for the Brand (1986) |
Shalako (1962) |
Showdown (2017) |
Showdown at Yellow Butte (1953) |
Showdown Trail (1987) |
Silver Canyon (1956) |
Sitka (1957) |
Smoke from This Altar (1939) |
Son of a Wanted Man (1984) |
South of Deadwood (1986) |
Taggart (1959) |
The Black Rock Coffin Makers (2013) |
The Broken Gun (1966) |
The Burning Hills (1956) |
The Californios (1974) |
The Cherokee Trail (1982) |
The Chick Bowdrie Short Stories Bundle (2015) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’amour Volume 5 (2007) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 1 (2003) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 2 (2004) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 3 (2005) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 4 (2006) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 6 (2008) |
The Collected Short Stories of Louis L’Amour, Volume 7 (2009) |
The Empty Land (1969) |
The First Fast Draw (2003) |
The Frontier Stories (2009) |
The Haunted Mesa (1987) |
The High Graders (1965) |
The Hills of Homicide (1983) |
The Iron Marshal (1979) |
The Key-Lock Man (1965) |
The Lonesome Gods (1983) |
The Louis L’Amour Companion (1992) |
The Man Called Noon (1969) |
The Man from Battle Flat (2010) |
The Man from Skibbereen (1973) |
The Marshal of Sentinel (1995) |
The Outlaws of Mesquite (1990) |
The Proving Trail (1979) |
The Quick and the Dead (1973) |
The Rider of the Ruby Hills (1986) |
The ShadowRiders (1982) |
The Sixth Shotgun (2003) |
The Strong Land (2012) |
The Strong Shall Live (1980) |
The Tall Stranger (1957) |
The Trail to Crazy Man (1986) |
The Walking Drum (1984) |
Three Bullets for the Cactus Kid (2018) |
To Tame a Land (1955) |
Trailing West (2008) |
Tucker (1971) |
Under the Sweetwater Rim (1971) |
Utah Blaine (1954) |
Valley of the Sun (1995) |
We Shaped the Land with Our Guns (2014) |
West from Singapore (1987) |
West of Dodge (1996) |
West of the Tularosa (1992) |
Westward the Tide (1976) |
Where Buzzards Fly (1986) |
Where the Long Grass Blows (1976) |
With These Hands (2002) |
Yondering (1980) |
Below is a list of all Bing quizzes for today
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- Answered: Which five Old West books are by Louis L’Amour?
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