Answered: What’s on the muskox menu for dinner?

The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: What’s on the muskox menu for dinner?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Grasses, moss, and shrubs
B: Freshwater fish
C: Rodents

The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:

A: Grasses, moss, and shrubs

See The Reason for That answer below:

As herbivores, Muskoxen primarily eat plant matter such as mosses, grasses, and shrubs. They also eat lichens and Arctic willows, which are well-suited to the cold climate of their habitat. Muskoxen have to be careful about how they forage for food in the winter, as digging through deep snow can be energetically costly. Therefore, they often avoid areas with deep snow and stick to shallower snow cover where they can more easily access the vegetation they need.

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Microsoft bing quiz answer, home quiz, trivial quiz answer Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz. Answered: What's on the muskox menu for dinner?
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz