Woman Frustrated at Getting A Husband Became a single mom via sperm donation. 

Woman Frustrated at Getting A Husband Became a single mom via sperm donation. 

Stacy Thomson had been using dating apps for eight years when she became frustrated with the experience. She was no longer enjoying the search for a partner and was worried about how long it would take.

At 41, Stacy wanted to become a mother, but her fertility levels were low and she knew that time was running out. She began considering the option of sperm donation and had tests to determine her fertility.

Woman Frustrated at Getting A Husband Became a single mom via sperm donation. 

When the results came back showing that her ovaries were failing, Stacy made the decision to undergo solo IVF. Within three months, she was pregnant with her son Milo, who was born 16 months ago. While using dating apps, Stacy encountered men who were only interested in casual relationships and received crude comments when she discussed her decision to have a baby on her own.

Woman Frustrated at Getting A Husband Became a single mom via sperm donation. 

Determined to find a better way to date, Stacy created her own dating app called REDDI, which connects people seeking serious relationships that could potentially lead to creating, merging, or joining families. Although Stacy has not yet found her Mr. Right, she has been on a few dates since Milo was born.

As a new mother, she is currently focused on raising Milo, but still holds out hope for finding a long-term relationship in the future.

Woman Frustrated at Getting A Husband Became a single mom via sperm donation. 
Woman Frustrated at Getting A Husband Became a single mom via sperm donation. 

Visit Metro.co.uk to read the complete version of the story

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