Answered: What was in the two bundles—one 55 pounds and one 75—hauled in off the coast of Key West?
Answered: What was in the two bundles—one 55 pounds and one 75—hauled in off the coast of Key West?
Continue readingAnswered: What was in the two bundles—one 55 pounds and one 75—hauled in off the coast of Key West?
Continue readingAnswered: Director Wolfgang Petersen died at 81. The title of his breakout film ‘Das Boot’ translates to…
Continue readingAnswered: What happened to the premier of Ontario, Canada during a live TV broadcast?
Continue readingAnswered: A Capitol Police employee was nearly hit by plane debris as he stood outside the State House in Augusta, _.
Continue readingAnswered: A new law requires museums in New York to display placards alongside pieces that…
Continue readingAnswered: The river Oder lived up to its name as tons of fish died off—an ecological disaster for which nation?
Continue readingAnswered: The CDC updated its guidance after a pair of pet parents in France gave monkeypox to their…
Continue readingWhich of these popular albums was released in the 2000s? This or that?
Continue readingAnswered: Speaking of the Oscars, what happened to ‘CODA’ star Troy Kotsur’s award this week?
Continue readingAnswered: The Oscars apologized to Sacheen Littlefeather for mistreating her at the 1973 show, when she declined an award on behalf of…
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