Answered: The governor of which US state said they’ll pardon 45,000 people with marijuana convictions?
Answered: The governor of which US state said they’ll pardon 45,000 people with marijuana convictions?
Continue readingAnswered: The governor of which US state said they’ll pardon 45,000 people with marijuana convictions?
Continue readingAnswered: What unusual item did New York TSA agents find in a tourist’s luggage?
Continue readingAnswered: A pair of healthy twins were just born in Tennessee via IVF. What’s unique about their birth?
Continue readingAnswered: Scientists speculate that volcanoes may have made which nearby planet uninhabitable?
Continue readingAnswered: British Paralympian John McFall is set to become the first amputee…
Continue readingAnswered: Who was president first? This or that? List of US Presidents in Order of Date They Took Office:
Continue readingAnswered: Oscar winner Gary Oldman has announced that he will soon…
Continue readingAnswered: Which upcoming sequel will digitally de-age Harrison Ford for portions of the film?
Continue readingAnswered: Who was Kelly Rowland accepting an award for when the audience began booing?
Continue readingAnswered: Science fiction writer Greg Bear died at 71. What event did he co-found?
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