Answered: Of the eight main islands that comprise the state of Hawaii, how many are uninhabited?

The Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial Quiz is: Of the eight main islands that comprise the state of Hawaii, how many are uninhabited?

The options given are listed below:

  • A Zero
  • B One
  • C Two

The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing Home Trivial quiz is One.

Kahoolawe is a barren, 50-square-mile island off the southwest coast of Maui, and the only one of Hawaii’s main islands with no permanent residents. The island gets little rainfall because of its low elevation and is used for Native Hawaiian cultural and spiritual purposes only. During World War II and until 1990, Kahoolawe was used as a bombing range by the US military.

Oahu is the state’s most populous island. Aside from Kahoolawe, the least populated of the main islands is Niihau, with fewer than 200 people, most of them Native Hawaiians. Privately owned since 1864, Niihau is known as the ‘Forbidden Isle’—it’s off-limits to outsiders except for some military and government personnel and invited guests.

Microsoft bing quiz answer, home quiz, trivial quiz answer Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz Answered: Of the eight main islands that comprise the state of Hawaii, how many are uninhabited?
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz