Answered: Which city has a river running through it?

The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial Supersonic quiz is: Which city has a river running through it?

The options given for this Microsoft rewards Quiz are listed below:

Nassau, Bahamas
Portland, OR
Tripoli, Libya

The correct answers to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial Supersonic quiz are listed below:

Portland, OR

Below is a list of 42 cities that rivers ran through:

Asheville, North Carolina, US
Aswan, Egypt
Austin, Texas, US
Beijing, China
Bend, Oregon, US
Boise, Idaho, US
Bordeaux, France
Budapest, Hungary
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cairo, Egypt
Chattanooga, Tennessee, US
Chicago, Illinois, US
Dublin, Ireland
Dusseldorf, Germany
Fayetteville, West Virginia, US
Florence, Italy
Frankfurt, Germany
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Istanbul, Turkey
Kernville, California, US
Leavenworth, Washington, US
London, England
Lyon, France
Mainz, Germany
Missoula, Montana, US
Nashville, US
New Orleans, US
Paris, France
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Portland, Oregon, US
Porto, Portugal
Prague, Czech Republic
Quebec City, Canada
Richmond, Virginia, US
Rome, Italy
Sacramento, California, US
Salida, Colorado, US
Shanghai, China
Sydney, Australia
Talkeetna, Alaska, US
Tallulah Falls, Georgia, US
Varanasi, India
list of 42 cities that rivers ran through. source: worth-seeing

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Microsoft bing quiz answer, home quiz, trivial quiz answer Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz Answered: Which city has a river running through it?
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz