Answered: Clouds typically occur in the lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. What’s that layer called?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz is: Clouds typically occur in the lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. What’s that layer called?
The options given for this bing home page quiz are listed below:
- A: Stratosphere
- B: Troposphere
- C: Thermosphere
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz is: B: Troposphere
From the Earth’s surface to between 5 and 9 miles up into the air, the troposphere is where much of Earth’s weather happens, so most of the clouds form there. But the rare noctilucent clouds seen in this image are way up in the mesosphere, the coldest layer of our atmosphere, about 50 miles above the surface.
Below is a list of all the Bing Quizzes for today 31/07/2022
- Answered: These are noctilucent clouds. What does ‘noctilucent’ mean in Latin?
- Answered: About how much does an average cloud weigh?
- Answered: Clouds typically occur in the lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere. What’s that layer called?
