Answered: This spring students at UC Berkeley can enroll in a class about which hip-hop star?
The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: This spring students at UC Berkeley can enroll in a class about which hip-hop star?
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
- A: Nicki Minaj
- B: Kanye West
- C: Megan Thee Stallion
The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: A: Nicki Minaj
See The Reason for That answer below:
UC Berkeley’s spring 2023 semester will feature a new course about the life and work of Nicki Minaj. The class, titled “Nicki Minaj: The Black Barbie Femmecee andHip Hop Feminisms,” will be holding a 1-hour 30-minute lecture every Tuesday and Thursday when it starts next spring. Clearly happy about it, the singer tweeted that she’d “love to stop by.” source
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