Exploring caves goes by what term in the US and Canada? – answered
Exploring caves goes by what term in the US and Canada?
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
A: Potholing
B: Abseiling
C: Spelunking
The correct answer is Spelunking.
See The Reason for That answer below:
Spelunking is the exploration of caves and is derived from the ancient Greek word “spelos,” which translates to “cave.” It is a thrilling activity that requires technical skills, endurance, and strength. Spelunkers often use specialized gear such as helmets, headlamps, climbing equipment, and specialized clothing. Caves are home to a variety of unique and fascinating creatures, so spelunkers must also be respectful of their environment. Spelunking can provide a sense of adventure, and can also be an excellent way to explore the unknown while learning more about our planet’s natural history.
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