Which ancient Roman city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius? – answered

Which ancient Roman city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Pompeii
B: Ephesus
C: Carthage

The correct answer is Pompeii.

See The Reason for That answer below:

Pompeii was a Roman city located in the Campania region of Italy, near the Bay of Naples. The city was buried under layers of volcanic ash and pumice after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius was one of the deadliest and most catastrophic volcanic eruptions in history. The ash and pumice that were ejected from the volcano buried the city of Pompeii and neighboring towns, including Herculaneum and Stabiae, under several meters of debris. Many people were killed instantly, while others died from suffocation, dehydration, or other causes in the days and weeks following the eruption.

The city of Pompeii was rediscovered in the 18th century, and excavations have been ongoing ever since. Today, Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist attraction, providing a fascinating glimpse into the daily life of ancient Romans.

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Which ancient Roman city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius? - answered