Which TV series debuted first? This or that?
Which TV series debuted first? This or that?
The options and the correct answers to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question are tabulated below:
Option A | Option B | Correct Answer |
Downton Abbey | Seinfeld | Seinfeld |
Friday Night Lights | MAS*H | MAS*H |
The Wire | The Golden Girls | The Golden Girls |
The Office | Twin Peaks | Twin Peaks |
Saturday Night Live | Game of Thrones | Saturday Night Live |
The Simpsons | Breaking Bad | The Simpsons |
All in the Family | The Sopranos | All in the Family |
Sesame Street | Portlandia | Sesame Street |
Star Trek: The Original Series | Arrested Development | Star Trek: The Original Series |
The X-Files | Columbo | Columbo |
Today’s Microsoft Bing quiz has 50-point rewards for the ten(10) questions if you select the correct answers for all the options. so make sure you use the information I provided here to your maximum benefit and pick only the correct answers on the Bing quiz for today. Rewards can be used to purchase things from selected stores such as Amazon, Walmart, etc. when claimed as gift cards.