Which breakfast cereal was created in the 1800s? – Warpspeed quiz Answered

Which breakfast cereal was created in the 1800s?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

Corn Crackos
Shredded Wheat
Frosted Flakes

The correct answer is Shredded Wheat.

See The Reason for That answer below:

Shredded Wheat breakfast cereal was created in the late 1800s by Henry Perky. He invented the cereal while trying to find a healthy and nutritious food for his patients at the sanitarium where he worked. He used a process of baking wheat dough and then shredding it into small pieces to create the cereal. The first Shredded Wheat factory was built in Niagara Falls, New York in 1893. The cereal became popular and is still sold today in various forms and flavors.

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Which breakfast cereal was created in the 1800s? – Warpspeed quiz Answered