What company started making bejeweled Easter eggs in the 19th century? Answered

What company started making bejeweled Easter eggs in the 19th century?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Louis Vuitton
B: Fabergé
C: Sears, Roebuck and Co.

The correct answer is Fabergé.

See The Reason for That answer below:

The House of Fabergé was a jewelry firm founded in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1842 by Gustav Fabergé. However, it was under the leadership of Gustav’s son, Peter Carl Fabergé, that the firm became famous for its elaborate and exquisite creations, particularly the series of jewel-encrusted Easter eggs that were made for the Russian imperial family.

The first Fabergé Easter egg was commissioned in 1885 by Tsar Alexander III as a gift for his wife, Empress Maria Feodorovna. The egg was made of gold and enamel and opened to reveal a golden yolk, which in turn contained a miniature hen and a tiny diamond replica of the imperial crown. The Empress was so delighted with the gift that the Tsar commissioned a new egg from Fabergé every year thereafter.

Over the years, the Fabergé eggs became increasingly elaborate and sophisticated, with each one containing a surprise or “treasure” inside. Some of the eggs were designed to commemorate important events in the imperial family’s life, while others were purely decorative. In total, the House of Fabergé produced 50 eggs for the Russian imperial family, with the last one being made in 1917, shortly before the Russian Revolution. Today, the Fabergé eggs are considered to be some of the finest examples of jewelry and decorative art in the world, and are highly prized by collectors and museums alike.

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What company started making bejeweled Easter eggs in the 19th century? Answered