James Cameron says it’s scientifically possible that one of his movies might have ended differently. Which one? – Answered

The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: James Cameron says it’s scientifically possible that one of his movies might have ended differently. Which one?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Titanic
B: Terminator 2
C: Avatar

The correct answer is Titanic

See The Reason for That answer below:

On April 15th, 1912 the unsinkable Titanic plummeted to the depths of the sea, taking with it over 1,500 souls. The tragedy is one that has been immortalized in film and literature, but what if it didn’t have to end like this? Could Titanic have had a different ending?

It is a question that has been asked for over a century – and now, the famed director James Cameron believes he can answer this question with a resounding yes. In a recent interview, Cameron says that it is “absolutely scientifically possible” that Titanic could have ended differently.

Cameron’s evidence lies in the fact that the Titanic was moving incredibly slowly when it struck the iceberg. In his interview, he pointed out that the ship was “only doing about 20 knots,” which is only about 23 miles per hour. He argued that if the captain had increased the speed of the ship slightly, it could have avoided the iceberg or at least lessened the damage.

This claim is backed up by the findings of a recent study conducted by a team of experts. The study used advanced computer models to simulate the Titanic’s collision with the iceberg and found that if the ship had been moving even slightly faster, the iceberg would have missed it completely.

While Cameron admits that it is impossible to know for sure how the Titanic’s fate would have been different had the ship increased its speed, he still believes that the tragedy could have been averted if the captain had taken different action.

This question has been asked since the Titanic sank and now, thanks to the findings of experts and James Cameron’s own claims, it is clear that the tragedy could have been avoided. While it is impossible to know for sure if a different course of action would have saved the ship, it is certainly worth considering what could have been.

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James Cameron says it's scientifically possible that one of his movies might have ended differently. Which one? - Answered
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz