Which legendary poet do forensic experts now believe died from being poisoned? – Answered
Which legendary poet do forensic experts now believe died from being poisoned?
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
A: Emily Dickinson
B: Pablo Neruda
C: William Shakespeare
The correct answer is Pablo Neruda.
See The Reason for That answer below:
Pablo Neruda, the Chilean poet and Nobel Prize winner, was determined by forensic experts to have died of poisoning almost 50 years ago, according to a family member. The official cause of death was complications from prostate cancer, but the poet’s driver had argued for decades that he was poisoned. A report by forensic experts from Canada, Denmark, and Chile on the cause of Neruda’s death was delayed twice this year before being released.
Tests carried out in Danish and Canadian labs indicated the presence of a powerful toxin called Cloristridium botulinum that can cause paralysis and death. The report is being released 12 years after the start of a judicial investigation into whether Neruda was poisoned, as his driver maintains. Neruda, a Communist Party member, died in the aftermath of Chile’s 1973 coup. His body was exhumed in 2013 for tests that showed no toxic agents or poisons, prompting further investigation by his family and driver.
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