Answered: Which species of elephant are we looking at today?

The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:  Which species of elephant are we looking at today?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

  • A: Australian
  • B: Asian
  • C: African

The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:  C: African

There are several physical differences between African and Asian elephants (and there are no wild elephants in Australia). One of the easiest differences to spot is the African elephant’s larger ears. In fact, the African elephant’s ears are about three times the size of those of its cousin, the Asian elephant. No doubt there’s teasing when the cousins get together….


Today’s extra Microsoft Bing Quick Quizzes For Fun has 15-point rewards for you if you select the correct answers for all the options. so make sure you use the information I provided here to your maximum benefit and pick only the right answers on Bing quiz for today. Rewards point can be use to purchase things from selected stores such as Amazon, Walmart, etc.

Below is the list of all three Bing quizzes for today

List of the 3 Bing Quick Quizzes For Fun Below:

Microsoft bing quiz answer, home quiz, trivial quiz answer Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz Answered: Which species of elephant are we looking at today?
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz