Answered: Which Olympic champion says $12.7 million has gone missing from a private investment account?

The Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is: Which Olympic champion says $12.7 million has gone missing from a private investment account?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Simone Biles
B: Usain Bolt
C: Michael Phelps

The correct answer to this Microsoft Rewards Bing HomePage Trivial quiz question is:

B: Usain Bolt

See The Reason for That answer below:

Retired Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt has discovered that $12.7 million is missing from his account with private investment firm Stocks & Securities Limited (SSL) in Jamaica. Bolt’s lawyers have sent a letter to SSL demanding the return of the money and threatening legal action if it is not returned within 10 days. CBS News reported that the account, which once held $12.8 million, now only reflects $12,000.

The Guardian reported that in 2016, Bolt earned $33 million from prize money, sponsorships, and appearance fees. SSL’s website asks clients to direct urgent queries to Jamaica’s Financial Services Commission, which is investigating the company. Finance minister Nigel Clarke has described the situation as “alarming” but urged people not to lose faith in the financial industry.

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Microsoft bing quiz answer, home quiz, trivial quiz answer Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz Answered: Which Olympic champion says $12.7 million has gone missing from a private investment account?
Microsoft Rewards Bing Search Homepage Quiz