A court ruled that US dairy farmers can legally use the French name for which variety of cheese? – answered

A court ruled that US dairy farmers can legally use the French name for which variety of cheese?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Roquefort
B: Brie
C: Gruyère

The correct answer is Gruyère.

See The Reason for That answer below:

A recent ruling by a United States court has stated that American-made cheese can be labeled as Gruyère, even though the cheese has traditionally been produced in an Alpine region between Switzerland and France for over 900 years. In Europe, Gruyère has a protected designation of origin, which certifies that it comes only from the hilly European region, much like champagne or feta cheese.

However, the U.S. court ruled that the Gruyère label could apply to any cheese, regardless of where it is made. The decision was based on the fact that American cheese consumers understand the term “Gruyère” to refer to a type of cheese, making the term generic. The ruling was hailed as a significant win for America’s dairy farmers by the U.S. Dairy Export Council, following a long-running legal battle between American cheesemakers and their Swiss and French counterparts.

Despite the disappointment of the Swiss and French cheese producers, who argued that the cheese’s rich tradition and cultural significance are worth protecting, the judges found holes in their arguments, including the fact that the majority of the Gruyère-labeled cheese imported to the United States between 2010 and 2020 came from the Netherlands and Germany instead of Switzerland and France.

Furthermore, American production of Gruyère has also increased in recent years, with Wegmans supermarket selling more domestic gruyere-labeled cheese than Swiss gruyere-labeled cheese.

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