Despite his rheumatoid arthritis, New Jersey native Andrew Crosby hiked which 2,200-mile trail? – answered
Despite his rheumatoid arthritis, New Jersey native Andrew Crosby hiked which 2,200-mile trail?
The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:
A: Pacific Crest Trail
B: Appalachian Trail
C: Continental Divide Trail
The correct answer is Appalachian Trail.
See The Reason for That answer below:
At 16 years old, Andrew Crosby received a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis while attending Middletown High School North. Doctors predicted that he might lose the ability to walk by the age of 30 and prescribed high-dose medication. However, Crosby refused to let the disease control his life and continued to participate in his favorite activities of hiking and climbing for the next decade. Despite occasional debilitating joint and back pain, he persevered. In late 2021, he experienced a new symptom, painful swelling of the eyes, but decided to hike the Appalachian Trail anyway.
On March 9, 2022, Crosby started his 2,200-mile hike from Georgia to Maine, completing it in just over five months. He endured harsh weather conditions, including 5-degree cold and 105-degree heat, and even encountered a pack of coyotes. Crosby overcame his rheumatoid arthritis, which was a surprise to him. Only 25% of the roughly 3,000 people who attempt to hike the entire Appalachian Trail succeed, making Crosby’s accomplishment remarkable.
As a young boy, Crosby hiked a portion of the trail in Pennsylvania with his father, who died in 2015. Andrew felt connected to his father throughout his journey, particularly when he traversed the same stretch of trail they had covered together. Despite facing various physical setbacks, including shin splints and broken ribs, Crosby persevered, and he felt healthier after the hike than before. He believes that walking every day helped “grind the arthritis away from the gears” and is planning to attempt the Pacific Crest Trail, a 2,600-mile hike from Canada to Mexico, starting in July.
Crosby hopes to inspire others to pursue their dreams, regardless of any obstacles they may face. He wants to show that anything is possible, even when others doubt you.
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