Which city will be the first in the UK to commit to the Paris climate agreement for major live events? – answered

Which city will be the first in the UK to commit to the Paris climate agreement for major live events?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: Glastonbury
B: Liverpool
C: Leeds

The correct answer is Liverpool.

See The Reason for That answer below:

Liverpool, the host city for Eurovision, has become the first city in the UK to commit to the Paris agreement for major live events. The city council will only issue licenses to concerts and festivals that agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, including the use of renewable energy and reducing the number of cars visitors take to events.

The council’s decision comes after research revealed that car travel to festivals constitutes a significant proportion of an event’s climate emissions, although it is not typically included in the festival’s carbon footprint. While 310 local authorities in the UK have officially declared a climate emergency, Liverpool is the first to commit to such measures.

The Paris agreement, which aims to limit global temperature rises to below 1.5C by the end of the century, was signed in 2015 by 196 countries. The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at Manchester University found that festivals could significantly reduce their emissions by reducing parking spaces.

For example, Bestival had the largest carbon output per ticket holder, while Glasgow’s TRNSMT had the lowest, due to having fewer parking spaces. By reducing car parking by 70% and providing more options for travel, such as train, coach, or cycling, festivals may be able to halve their overall carbon emissions. The new licenses will begin next year and will call for progressively greener measures for events held over the next five years.

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Which city will be the first in the UK to commit to the Paris climate agreement for major live events? - answered