Which long-jumper won the World Indoor Tour Final in Birmingham? – answered

Which long-jumper won the World Indoor Tour Final in Birmingham?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: William Williams
B: Tajay Gayle
C: Marquis Dendy

The correct answer is Marquis Dendy.

See The Reason for That answer below:

Marquis Dendy, an American long jump champion, won the World Indoor Tour Final in Birmingham while donning an unconventional attire. During the men’s long jump competition on Saturday, Dendy qualified for the final round. However, when he took to the track for the final jump, he was seen wearing a bucket hat and a balaclava that covered his face except for his eyes. Despite the unusual outfit, Dendy delivered an impressive 8.27-meter jump, securing his victory at the Utilta Arena.

Interestingly, this was not the first time Dendy had sported a similar outfit. He had worn the same hat during the Diamond League in August. Dendy’s performance in Birmingham drew a lot of attention from the spectators and fans who were watching the event. At 30 years old, Dendy continues to inspire with his unconventional style and remarkable performances on the track.

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Which long-jumper won the World Indoor Tour Final in Birmingham? - answered