The CDC reports that the number of adult Americans who do what is at an all-time low? answered

The CDC reports that the number of adult Americans who do what is at an all-time low?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A Smoke cigarettes
B Drink hard alcohol
C Drive without seatbelts

The correct answer is Smoke cigarettes.

See The Reason for That answer below:

Government survey data released on Thursday showed that cigarette smoking in the US has hit another all-time low, with only 1 in 9 adults identifying as current smokers. Meanwhile, the use of electronic cigarettes has risen to about 1 in 17 adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gathered responses from more than 27,000 adults to compile the preliminary findings.

Smoking cigarettes is a major risk factor for lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, and is widely acknowledged as the leading cause of preventable deaths.

In the mid-1960s, 42% of US adults were smokers. However, the rate has gradually declined due to various measures such as cigarette taxes, tobacco product price increases, smoking bans, and changes in the social acceptance of smoking in public.

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The CDC reports that the number of adult Americans who do what is at an all-time low? answered