What did astronomers detect in space that is 30 billion times larger than the mass of the sun? Answered

What did astronomers detect in space that is 30 billion times larger than the mass of the sun?

The options that are given for this Bing homepage quiz are listed below:

A: A black hole
B: An asteroid belt
C: A red giant star

The correct answer is A black hole.

See The Reason for That answer below:

A colossal black hole, 33 billion times more massive than the sun, has been uncovered by astronomers. This ultramassive black hole was found in the depths of the universe, hundreds of millions of light-years away. According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on Wednesday, this discovery may be one of the most significant black holes ever found.

James Nightingale, a study author from Durham University’s department of physics, stated that even as an astronomer, he finds it challenging to comprehend the size of this object. He also added that this black hole may be one of the largest holes ever discovered, as it is at the upper limit of how big black holes can theoretically grow. This exciting discovery may shed light on the mysterious and elusive nature of black holes.

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What did astronomers detect in space that is 30 billion times larger than the mass of the sun? Answered